12 Feb

What is an Uninsurable Mortgage?


Posted by: Ryan Roth

When it comes to mortgages, insurance is necessary to protect the lender on these types of loans, which deal in large sums of money. There are three different tiers relating to insurance, which all have different minimum down payment amounts and varying premium insurance fees.

  1. Insured mortgages typically have a less than 20% down payment and are insured with mortgage default insurance through one of Canada’s mortgage insurers: CMHC, Sagen or Canada Guaranty. In these cases, the premium is based on a percentage of the loan amount, which is added to the mortgage and paid monthly.
  2. Insurable mortgages typically have a 20% or higher down payment and do not require mortgage insurance, though they can qualify for it. In these cases, the homeowner wouldn’t have to pay an insurance premium, but the lender can if they choose to.
  3. Uninsurable mortgages do not meet mortgage insurer requirements; some examples of these types of mortgages can include: refinances, mortgages with an amortization longer than 25-years or mortgage files where the real estate is more than $1M in value and/or purchase price. No insurance premium required.

While insured and insurable mortgages are more common and typically more cost-effective when it comes to lending money, therefore clients who opt for these mortgages often get better rates.

When it comes to an uninsurable mortgage, this means that the lender is providing their own funds to the client without the protection of insurance, and have to commit to the loan for the entire term. Due to this, uninsurable mortgages tend to have higher interest rates as they are a higher risk loan.

Typically, uninsurable mortgages require a minimum of 20% down on the loan and are available for up to 30-year amortization. It is also important to note that an uninsurable mortgage will often require a higher Gross Debt Service (GDS) and Total Debt Service (TDS) ratio to indicate that you can carry the loan without high risk.

While some lenders may offer more flexibility when it comes to an uninsurable mortgage, if you are looking to refinance or change to a longer amortization period, it is best to discuss with an expert before making any changes to your mortgage.

5 Feb

Using A Reverse Mortgage to Supplement your RRIF


Posted by: Ryan Roth

As you near retirement age, the years of diligently contributing to RRSPs are about to pay off. Understanding Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs) becomes crucial, especially if you have registered retirement savings or pension plans.

What exactly is a RRIF?

Unlike a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), which serves as a retirement savings account where you contribute money, a RRIF allows you to take out a certain amount each year once you reach a certain age.

Now, let’s explore how a RRIF works.

When you turn 71, the money you’ve saved and invested in your RRSP accounts must be moved into a RRIF, an annuity, or withdrawn as a lump sum. If your spouse is younger, you can delay this until their 71st birthday.

What’s the advantage to convert to a RRIF?

A RRIF acts as a tax-deferred retirement income fund, which means any interest or earnings generated within the account won’t be taxed until you withdraw them. However, when you take money out of your RRIF, it becomes taxable income. Each year, you must withdraw a minimum amount from the RRIF.

If you need funds before reaching 71, you can convert your RRSP into a RRIF and start withdrawing money immediately. However, there are some important tax considerations to be aware of:

  1. Taxes on Withdrawals: The amounts you withdraw will be taxed, but the tax will be based on the minimum required withdrawal and any additional amount you take out.
  2. Minimum Withdrawal: Once your RRSP is converted into a RRIF, you must withdraw a minimum amount each year, determined by the government and based on age. For instance, at 64 years old, you must withdraw 4% of your total investments; at 71, it increases to 5.28%, and at 85, it goes up to 8.51%.
  3. Withholding Tax: A withholding tax will apply if you withdraw more than the minimum required amount. The withholding tax rates are 10% for amounts up to $5,000, 20% for between $5,000 and $15,000, and 30% for payments over $15,000.

What if I don’t have enough in my RRIF to generate sufficient retirement income or if I outlive my RRIF?: The Reverse Mortgage Option

A Reverse Mortgage allows you to access tax-free cash from the equity you’ve accumulated in your home. Using this money as retirement income allows you to preserve your investments for an extended period while enjoying an improved cash flow. Additionally, there are no monthly mortgage payments with a Reverse Mortgage, helping you increase your monthly cash flow even more.

Contact me today to discover how a Reverse Mortgage can help you enhance your retirement income.

29 Jan

Mortgage Portability


Posted by: Ryan Roth

When it comes to getting a mortgage, one of the more overlooked elements is the option to be able to port the loan down the line.

Porting your mortgage is an option within your mortgage agreement, which enables you to move to another property without having to lose your existing interest rate, mortgage balance and term. Thereby allowing you to move or ‘port’ your mortgage over to the new home. Plus, the ability to port also saves you money by avoiding early discharge penalties should you move partway through your term.

Typically, portability options are offered on fixed-rate mortgages. Lenders often use a “blended” system where your current mortgage rate stays the same on the mortgage amount ported over to the new property and the new balance is calculated using the current interest rate. When it comes to variable-rate mortgages, you may not have the same option. However, when breaking a variable-rate mortgage, you would only be faced with a three-month interest penalty charge which can often be much lower than the average penalty to break a fixed mortgage. In addition, there are cases where you can be reimbursed the fee with your new mortgage.

If you already have the existing option to port your mortgage, or are considering it for your next mortgage cycle, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Timeframe: Some portability options require the sale and purchase to occur on the same day. Other lenders offer a week to do this, some a month, and others up to three months.
  2. Terms: Keep in mind, some lenders don’t allow a changed term or might force you into a longer term as part of agreeing to port your mortgage.
  3. Penalty Reimbursements: Some lenders may reimburse your entire penalty, whether you are a fixed or variable borrower, if you simply get a new mortgage with the same lender – replacing the one being discharged. Additionally, some lenders will even allow you to move into a brand-new term of your choice and start fresh. Keep in mind, there can be cases where it’s better to pay a penalty at the time of selling and get into a new term at a brand-new rate that could save back your penalty over the course of the new term.

To get all the details about mortgage portability and find out if you have this option (or the potential penalties if you don’t), contact me for expert advice and a helping hand throughout your mortgage journey!

22 Jan

How to Pay Off Your Mortgage Faster


Posted by: Ryan Roth

When it comes to homeownership, many of us dream of the day we will be mortgage-free. While most mortgages operate on a 25-year amortization schedule, there are some ways you can pay off your mortgage quicker!

1. Review Your Payment Schedule: Taking a look at your payment schedule can be an easy way to start paying down your mortgage faster, such as moving to an accelerated bi-weekly payment schedule. While this will lead to slightly higher monthly payments, the overall result is approximately one extra payment on your mortgage per calendar year. This can reduce the total amortization by multiple years, which is an effective way to whittle down your amortization faster.

2. Increase Your Mortgage Payments*: This is another fairly simple change you can execute today to start having more of an impact on your mortgage. Most lenders offer some sort of pre-payment privilege that allows you to increase your payment amount without penalty. This payment increase allowance can range from 10% to 20% payment increase from the original payment amount. If you earned a raise at work, or have come into some money, consider putting those funds right into your mortgage to help reduce your mortgage balance without you feeling like you are having to change your spending habits.

3. Make Extra Payments*: For those of you who have pre-payment privileges on your mortgage, this is a great option for paying it down faster. The extra payment option allows you to do an annual lump-sum payment of 15-20% of the original loan amount to help clear out some of your loan! Some mortgages will allow you to increase your payment by this pre-payment privilege percentage amount as well. This is another great way to utilize any extra money you may have earned, such as from a bonus at work or an inheritance.

4. Negotiate a Better Rate: Depending on whether you have a variable or a fixed mortgage, you may want to consider looking into getting a better rate to reduce your overall mortgage payments and money to interest. This is ideally done when your mortgage term is up for renewal and with rates starting to come back down, it could be a great opportunity to adjust your mortgage and save! This may be done with your existing lender OR moving to a new lender who is offering a lower rate (known as a switch and transfer).

5. Refinance to a Shorter Amortization Period: Lastly, consider the term of your mortgage. If you’re mortgage is coming up for renewal, this is a great time to look at refinancing to a shorter amortization period. While this will lead to higher monthly payments, you will be paying less interest over the life of the loan. Knowing what you can afford and how quickly you want to be mortgage-free can help you determine the best new amortization schedule.

*These options are only available for some mortgage products. Check your mortgage package or reach out to me to ensure these options are available to you and avoid any potential penalties.

If you’re looking to pay your mortgage off quicker, don’t hesitate to reach out today. I can help review the above options and assist in choosing the most effective course of action for your situation

15 Jan

Mortgage Pre-Approval vs. Pre-Qualification


Posted by: Ryan Roth

When it comes to getting a mortgage, there are a few things you can do in advance to make the mortgage process easier!

Getting pre-qualified

The purpose of mortgage pre-qualification is to help you get a general idea of what you can afford when shopping for your new home.

Pre-qualification will take your own assessment of your financial status and allow you to come up with a budget for a home, as well as what you can afford for monthly payments.

Download the My Mortgage Toolbox app (available on the iStore or Google Play) to get pre-qualified today in under 60 seconds! Plus, you can get an idea of your monthly mortgage payments and compare various payment schedules.

Getting pre-approved

While getting pre-qualified can give you a ballpark estimate on what you can afford, pre-approval means that a lender has stated (in writing) that you do qualify for a mortgage and what amount, based on submitted documentation of your current income and credit history.

A pre-approval usually specifies a term, interest rate and mortgage amount and is typically valid for 90-120 days, assuming various conditions are met.

There are a few benefits to pre-approval including:

  1. It confirms the maximum amount you can afford to spend
  2. It can secure you an interest rate for 90-120 while you shop for your new home
  3. It lets the seller know that securing financing should not be an issue. This is extremely important for competitive markets where lots of offers may be coming in.

Keep in mind, once you get your pre-approval, you will want to make sure not to jeopardize it. Until your mortgage application and sale is completed, be sure you don’t quit or change jobs, buy a new car or trade up, transfer large sums of money between bank accounts, leave your bills unpaid or open up new credit cards. You do not want your financial or employment details to change at all until you have closed on the new mortgage.

Reach out to get started today!

8 Jan

What is the First Time Homebuyer Incentive?


Posted by: Ryan Roth

The first-time homebuyer incentive program is a shared-equity mortgage with the Canadian government that helps qualified first-time buyers reduce their monthly mortgage payments to better afford a home!

The Incentive: This program allows you to obtain an incentive from the government to assist with your down payment, thereby lowering your overall mortgage amount and, in turn, your monthly mortgage costs.

  • 5% or 10% for a first-time buyer’s purchase of a newly constructed home
  • 5% for a first-time buyer’s purchase of a resale (existing) home

Qualifying for the Incentive: This program is designed to assist first-time homebuyers, therefore you must:

  • Have never purchased a home before
  • Have not occupied a home that you, your current spouse or common-law partner owned in the last 4 years or have recently experienced a breakdown of marriage or common-law partnership

If you meet the above criteria, further qualifications are based on your income and status as follows:

  • Your total qualifying income is no more than $120,000 ($150,000 for homes in Toronto, Vancouver, or Victoria)
  • Your total borrowing is less than four times your qualifying income (four and a half times your income if you’re purchasing in Toronto, Vancouver or Victoria)
  • You are a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or non-permanent resident authorized to work in Canada
  • You meet the minimum down payment requirements

Additional Costs: With the incentive, there are a few additional costs to be aware of such as additional legal fees (your lawyer is closing two mortgages, the one on your behalf and that on the Government’s behalf), appraisal fees to determine the repayment value of your home when it comes due, plus other potential fees such as refinancing or switching costs if you decide to move or update your mortgage.

Repayment Process: When it comes to repayment of the incentive, the homebuyer is required to pay back after 25 years or when the property is sold, whichever comes first. They are also able to repay anytime prior to this without penalty. The repayment is based on fair market value at the time of repayment and you would pay back what you received. For instance, if you received a 5% incentive, you would repay 5% of the current home value at the time of repayment.

Keep in mind, if you choose to port your mortgage or go through a separation during the term and want to buy out your co-borrower, you will have to repay the incentive sooner.

Click here to learn more about the First Time Homebuyer Incentive and contact me today to get started on your homebuying journey!

2 Jan

5 Steps to Getting a Mortgage


Posted by: Ryan Roth

While the mortgage process can be daunting, we have broken it down into 5 easy steps to help you get started! I’m happy to help guide you every step of the way so it is even easier to make your dreams of home ownership happen.

  1. Options: Your mortgage professional has access to dozens if lenders with numerous solutions to suit your mortgage needs. During the initial consultation, we will review your situation and provide an overview of mortgage options that are best suited to your needs. From there, you can work together to complete your mortgage application and obtain financing.
  2. Collection: When it comes to a mortgage application, you’re required to submit the following items to the lender: agreement of purchase and sale(or estimated mortgage amount if you are refinancing), proof of income/employment, down payment amount, and identification. I am able to assist you with preparing, gathering and sending this documentation in as well
  3. Submission: I will submit your mortgage application to the appropriate lender with the mortgage product that best suits your needs. As we work with dozens of lenders from banks to credit unions to trusts and private options, they can put their negotiating power to work for you to get you the best mortgage product.
  4. Approval: Once you have been approved for your mortgage, you will be required to sign. From there, you will obtain approval documents including: payment details, mortgage terms and privileges, pre-funding conditions (if they apply). Should the closing date be more than 30 days away, your mortgage professional can also hold the approval documents and monitor the market.
  5. Closing: This is the final step to homeownership where your signed documents are submitted to the lender with all supporting information. From there, the lender will review and approve the final documents and send their instruction package to your lawyer. When you meet with your lawyer, they will require final identification and signatures, and review your closing costs.  It is on the closing day that the mortgage funds will be transferred to your lawyer to close the sale.

If you are looking to purchase your first home, or a new home, in the coming months, reach out for advice and expertise to ensure you get the best mortgage product for YOU.

28 Dec

Exploring Mortgage Amortization Extensions


Posted by: Ryan Roth

To start, let us clarify what an amortization period is. It represents the duration it takes to fully pay off your mortgage through regular payments. An amortization extension, on the other hand, refers to any period beyond your initially qualified amortization.

Which lenders and banks offer amortization extensions?

Prime lenders, who are federally regulated, typically do not offer amortization extensions beyond 30 years. However, if your current mortgage has a shorter amortization period (i.e.: 20 years), you can extend it when refinancing with them. Alternative mortgage lenders, often referred to as “non-bank” lenders, may offer extensions of 35 to 40 years, provided you have at least a 20% down payment or more than 20% equity built up.

Who can extend their mortgage and why?

First-time home buyers are typically limited to a maximum amortization period of 25 to 30 years. Most put less than 20% down needing default mortgage insurance that restricts amortization to a maximum of 25 years. However, if they have 20% or more to put down, they can extend the amortization beyond 25 years.

In contrast, renewers may have the option to extend their amortization at the time of renewal. For example, they can go from 20 years back to 25 years or from 25 years back to 30 years to lower their monthly payments. Keep in mind that these options vary based on individual situations.

It is important to understand that extending your mortgage amortization outside of renewal would require refinancing, which may incur penalties and necessitate requalification at current rates. Nevertheless, refinancing can be a viable solution in certain circumstances. To explore your options fully, I recommend discussing your specific needs with me.

For example…

Imagine a young couple bought their first home 5 years ago with a $750,000 mortgage at 3.5% interest. They initially chose a 25-year amortization, making a monthly payment of $3,745. Now, at renewal, their balance is $635,000 with rates at 5.39%. They’re considering extending their amortization to keep their monthly payment the same. Let’s compare the numbers:

Amortization Monthly Payment Impact on Monthly Budget
20 yrs $4,409 -$664
25 yrs $3,926 -$181
30 yrs $3,622 +$123
35 yrs $3,419 +$326
40 yrs $3,278 +$467

The rates shown are for illustration purposes only and subprime lenders’ rates over 30 years amortization may differ.

Extending your mortgage amortization can be an effective financial strategy, but as with any important financial decision, it is essential to weigh the risks and benefits carefully. If you have any questions or would like to explore your options further, please reach out to me.

18 Dec

Mortgage Renewal Benefits


Posted by: Ryan Roth

Is your mortgage coming up for renewal? Do you know about all the incredible options renewing your mortgage can afford you? If not, we have all the details here on how to make your mortgage renewal work for you as we start to think about 2024.

Get a Better Rate

Are you aware that when you receive notice that your mortgage is coming up for renewal, this is the best time to shop around for a more favourable interest rate? At renewal time, it is easy to shop around or switch lenders for a preferable interest rate as it doesn’t break your mortgage. With interest rates expected to come down as we move into the New Year, taking some time to reach out to me and shopping the market could help save you money!

Consolidate Debt

Renewal time is also a great time to take a look at your existing debt and determine whether or not you want to consolidate it onto your mortgage. For some, this means consolidating your holiday credit card debt into your mortgage, for others it could be car loans, education, etc. Regardless of the type of debt, consolidating into your mortgage allows for one easy payment instead of juggling multiple loans. Plus, in most cases, the interest rate on your mortgage is less than you would be charged with credit card companies.

Start on that Reno

Do you have projects around the house you’ve been dying to get started on? Renewal time is a great opportunity for you to look at utilizing some of your home equity to help with home renovations so you can finally have that dream kitchen, updated bathroom, OR you can even utilize it to purchase a vacation property!

Change Your Mortgage Product

Are you not happy with your existing mortgage product? Perhaps you’re finding that your variable-rate or adjustable-rate mortgages are fluctuating too much and you want to lock in! Alternatively, maybe you want to switch to variable as interest rates start to level out. You can also utilize your renewal time to take advantage of a different payment or amortization schedule to help pay off your mortgage faster!

Change Your Lender

Not happy with your current lender? Perhaps a different bank has a lower rate or a mortgage product with terms that better suit your needs. A mortgage renewal is a great time to switch to a different bank or credit union to ensure that you are getting the value you want out of your mortgage if you are finding that your needs are not currently being met.

Regardless of how you feel about your current mortgage and what changes you may want to make, if your mortgage is coming up for renewal or is ready for renewal, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a DLC Mortgage Expert today! We’d be happy to discuss your situation and review any changes that would be beneficial for you to reach your goals; from shopping for new rates or utilizing that equity! Plus, we can help you find the best option for where you are at in your life now and help you to ensure future financial success.

11 Dec

Understanding Mortgage Rates


Posted by: Ryan Roth

While not the only factor to look at when choosing a mortgage, interest rates continue to be one of the more prominent decision criteria with any mortgage product. Understanding how mortgage rates are determined and the differences between your typical fixed-rate and variable-rate options can help you make the best decision to suit your needs.


The  chartered  banks  set  the  prime-lending  rate  (the  rate  they  offer  their best customers). They base their decisions on the Bank of Canada’s overnight rate, because that’s the rate that influences their own borrowing. Approximately  eight  times  per  year,  the  Bank  of  Canada  makes  rate announcements that could affect your mortgage as variable  mortgage  rates  and  lines  of  credit  move  in  conjunction with the prime-lending rate. When it comes to fixed-rate mortgages, banks  use  Government  of  Canada  bonds. In the bond market, interest rates can fluctuate more often and can provide clues on where fixed mortgage rates will go next.

To put it simply: a variable-rate is based off of the current Prime Rate, and can fluctuate depending on the markets. A fixed-rate is typically tied to the world economy where the variable rate is linked to the Canadian economy. When the economy is stable, variable rates will remain low to stimulate buying.


Fixed-Rate Mortgage

First-time homebuyers and experienced homebuyers typically love the stability of a fixed rate when just entering the mortgage space.

The pros of this type of mortgage are that your payments don’t change throughout the life of the term. However, should the Prime Rate drop, you won’t be able to take advantage of potential interest savings.

Variable-Rate Mortgage

As mentioned, variable-rate mortgages are based on the Prime Rate in Canada. This means that the amount of interest you pay on your mortgage could go up or down, depending on the Prime. When considering a variable-rate mortgage, some individuals will set standard payments (based on the same mortgage at a fixed-rate). This means that, should Prime drop and interest rates lower, they would end up paying more to the principal as opposed to paying interest.

If the rates go up, they simply pay more interest instead of direct to the principal loan.

Other variable-rate mortgage holders will simply allow their payments to drop with Prime Rate decreases, or increase should the rate go up. Depending on your income and financial stability, this could be a great option to take advantage of market fluctuations.

Want to learn more about rates or need mortgage advice? Contact me today!